Hello Soul Ascension I initiates you into the transformative process of self-realization, assisting in unraveling limiting beliefs, fostering an authentic connection with your inner selves, and aligning with your soul's purpose
- Step I – Leave the mundane and entering your magic. Identify what is creating your reality that is not making you happy.
- Step 2 – Gain the knowledge of what a soul connection looks like and start creating the connection.
- Step 3 – Create an environment in your world and in you that allows for a solid connection with your Soul.
- Step 4 – Get open to hearing our Soul.

Begin to hear and talk to Your Highest Soul
Step 1. Am I worth it – an important step for clarity and clearness of understanding what is heard from the soul. This is where blocks and previous experiences that held us back from believing in ourselves.
Step 2. Goodbye Baggage – Now is the time for total freedom from the past. A new powerful you is coming forth.
Step 3. Living with Soul in Everyday Life – Learn how to keep the connection to your Soul while still functioning in your earthly existence. Start to see the guidance in everyday living.

Step 1. Living in the Sweet Spot – Learn 3 key ways to live with ease and flow everyday allowing the peace and clarity of your Soul to thrive.
Step 2. Manifestation with Soul – this step allows you to manifest without worry, strife or feelings of lack. Gifts of our Soul come forward.
Step 3. Open to the Full Immersion of Soul – gone is ignorance, lack of faith, and all hardship. Connection with Soul and it’s guidance is complete and fills every moment we want it to fill. Life is Magic!

What is healing?
Just like all of life, healing is a journey of growth, insight & discovery. Everyone heals in their own time & space. However, there are beautiful elements in our present time to help us. Alena is one of those elements.
She will guide you through sharing with others who care about & love you, nature & guidance, & the discovery of how much you are loved.
One time payment for 6 for weeks of sessions, one session per week)

2 meetings with Alena to get ready & the Soul Retrieval Ceremony
The Shaman belief is that parts of the soul can leave however we can invite them back. It is a ceremony where Alena can find the part of the soul and bring it back to unity with the soul. Alena will only do this when you create the environment inside you and outside you is conducive for all parts of the soul to stay.

Study one-on-one with Alena
Studying with Alena is not for the faint of heart or for those who enjoy the drama of the mundane reality. However, if you are a person who has awakened. You are curious and want to know and understand the unseen, ready to open their minds, souls and meditation to worlds beyond, and learn how incredibly powerful you are.
If your answer is YES to all this…. You may be ready to study with Alena one-on-one.

Quantum Jumping:
Do you want to learn from yourself as the older, more experienced you, filled with more wisdom? Or do you want to learn a skill like the piano, art or even technology? If the answer is yes, then you want to QUANTUM JUMP!
This is a one-time service and the great news is that once you learn you may be able to quantum jump by yourself.
This is an advanced journey and should follow the Ascension One class or other services with Alena.

Move beyond the ‘busy-ness’, the negativity, & the toxic relationships, & start your journey towards creating positive, life-altering change with the help of Alena Chapman, Elizabeth Gilbert, Candice Harper, Chad Lefevre, David MacElwain, Cornell Thomas & Tara Lefevre!

Figure out what you really want...
Gain insight for spotting problematic choices before you take the next step...
& Break free from negative thought patterns that lead to less than you deserve!